Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Communication Is Defined As “A Process Of Circular...

Communication is defined as â€Å"a process of circular interaction involving a sender, receiver, and message† (Moran; p. 80). Effective workplace communication can be difficult when interacting with employees from different cultures and areas of the world. Familiar social and communicative norms may be interpreted as offensive to employees who are not accustomed to the culture in the country of operation. Managers incur the sole responsibility of building and employing best approaches for employees not to not only feel valued and included, but also for them to communicate effectively towards a common purpose or goal. Effective communication can be enhanced in a multicultural department by (1) developing and exemplifying the necessary†¦show more content†¦First, it is imperative for managers to actively listen to employees without negatively interpreting or judging. Instead, they should demonstrate a high level of empathy and tolerance. In addition, to achieve in tercultural effectiveness among team members through enhanced communication, managers should exemplify respect both verbally and nonverbally when interacting with employees and other associates. As managers demonstrate a high-level of understanding and tolerance through employing different methods of effective communication, the likelihood of leading a team of multicultural employees down a path to successfully work together significantly increases. This is a skillset that is much easier to teach than it is to apply. According to a scholarly article written by Barbara Mazur, managerial and team development is crucial to achieve intercultural workplace success. â€Å"Since managing diversity remains a significant organizational challenge, managers must learn the managerial skills needed in a multicultural work environment. Supervisors and managers must be prepared to teach themselves and others within their organizations to value multicultural differences in both associates and cu stomers so that everyone is treated with dignity† (Mazur; p. 5). Similar to gaining additional insight on the various customs and behaviors of employees from different regions and cultures on an individual level, managers can also gain even more knowledge and understanding by interactingShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Collective Behavior Essay1219 Words   |  5 Pagesmore individuals acting together or collectively. ( Smelser, 1965) The term collective behavior was first used by Robert E. Park, and was employed by Herbert Blumer. According to Smelser, there is a relation between communication and interaction and the definition of collective behaviour. â€Å"The central defining characteristic of an episode of collective behaviour is a belief envisioning the reconstitution of some component of social action†. 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