Saturday, February 22, 2020

Slavery in Post-Civil War America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Slavery in Post-Civil War America - Essay Example Authorities would arrest Blacks for minor crimes, and since most of them were unemployed, they had no money to pay court fees their sentences would be extended. The authorities would then sell the slaves to white firms for a small fee and here they were subject to deplorable conditions. After being sold to the white firms, the manager5s of these firms had the authority to make the black men work as they wished. The black slaves would be given huge amounts of jobs to do and failure to complete the assigned tasks would mean being punished by being beaten up. The poor working conditions, poverty and lack of reimbursement meant that the Blacks would not afford taking care of the health. Diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis were abundant in the population, and they were not given treatment or taken care of in any way. Many African Americans died because of slavery implicated on them by the Whites, and they were buried in crude graveyards that came to be discovered many years later. Most of the Whites saw nothing wrong with slavery, and argued that it was good for the economy and only a few disregarded it. Many Whites saw slavery as important, but did not see it as white racism since it boosted the economy. Blacks on the other hand saw slavery as racism, and most of them expressed fears of why there were many black slaves. However, it is evident that Blacks were oppressed by the Whites and authorities played a big role in advancing racism by passing laws to intimidate Blacks. Mapping Human History Steve Olson describes how genetics have contributed to the understanding of humans in terms of race, ethnicity and nationality. He explains that people can discover their past using biological explanations and uses genes to elaborate how people can be able to trace back their ancestral origins. Human beings share the same ancestors, which are in regards to genes, and this shows that all human beings are related in one way or another. The book Mapping Human History by Olson elaborates that every individual has relatives such as parents, grandparents, great grand parents and many more, and in trying to pin down the common ancestor, it relates that more lived thousands of years ago hence implying a universal ancestry background. Despite the fact that these people may have never met, it is evident that there is a universal origin of the human race. Genetics links the human race to the original ancestors, and this brings out the argument that the human race has similar origins, but has changed over time to produce the various races that are in the world today. The genetic explanation of this is that when the sperm meets with the female egg, their pair up their DNA’s and this way people are able to detect their maternal associations because they will have the similarities in their DNA makeup (Olson 20). The Y-chromosomes can found in males can also be used to explain the common ancestry background because males inherit this from their fathers, and biological analysis proves that the modern DNA is from many individuals living in Africa, but got extinct and only the Adam and Eve lineage survived (Olson 23). Olson explains that all

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Business Law Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Law Coursework - Essay Example (or "Divies") under the principle of vicarious liability. Crates may likewise have a claim for consequential economic loss. For Abraham and Crates to successfully claim under the law of tort, it must be shown that the elements making up a successful claim of negligence exist: duty, breach, causation, and damage. In the case of Lochgelly Iron and Coal Co. v M'Mullan (1934), it was stated that the tort of negligence 'properly connotes the complex of duty, breach and damage thereby suffered by the person to whom the duty was owing'. It was likewise stated in Burton v Islington (1992) that 'it is now elementary that the tort of negligence involves three factors: a duty of care, a breach of that duty and consequent damage.' Based on the foregoing decisions, the tort of negligence to be actionable must have the following elements: (1) there is a legal duty of care owed by defendant to the plaintiff; (2) a breach of that legal duty of care consisting of an act or omission by the defendant; and (3) consequent damage on the part of the plaintiff as a result such act or omission by the defendant. [see also Markesi nis, p. 69 (1999)] In the recent case of Jones v BBC, 2007 WL 2187023 (QBD), Jones, a freelance sound recordist for defendant BBC, claimed that he suffered personal injury caused by the negligence of the defendants. During a recording of the lowering of a windmill mast, and while Jones was walking under the inclined mast, the windmill rotor fell onto his back causing severe spinal injury rendering him paraplegic. In ruling for the claimant, the court stated that the BBC, as employer, had assumed responsibility for the health and safety of freelancers when they work on BBC productions. Since the safety crew had identified a risk of the falling mast, a discussion before filming should have been made to warn the crew not to go beneath it. But the safety crew did not give the warning. Such failure of BBC, through the safety crew, is considered negligent which caused Jones' accident. It had been held that it was incumbent upon BBC, its safety crew and the owners of the farm as occupiers of the site to take steps further to those they had taken to ensure that the BBC crew did not pass under the mast during its lowering. In the instant case, the shop manager breached the legal duty of care required of him under the circumstances when he failed to give a safety warning or danger warning after opening the windows onto the pavement because it is reasonably foreseeable that such window obstructs the path of the pedestrian and is most likely to cause an accident. Thus, in the case of Crowther v Kirklees Metropolitan Council (2006), the claimant ambulance driver claimed damages for personal injuries she sustained when she went to the house of a patient where the street was a narrow cul-de-sac with no footpaths. When plaintiff got out of the ambulance and placed her right foot on the step, as it was a high drop to the road, and her left foot on the ground, it entered a large defect centred around a circular utility cover measuring 5cm in depth, 40cm in width and 46 cm in length. When her foot entered the defect, she went over on her left ankle, which she strained. In ruling for the plaintiff, the court stated that it was reasonably foreseeable that the defect could result in injury to pedestrians. The